One Small Cube, One Big Concrete Change

You are holding a piece of history.
This small cement sample in your hand is more than just a building material—it's a ground-breaking innovation in the fight against reducing CO2 emissions.
For the first time, CO2 has been mineralised into this cement sample using a unique carrier technology, marking a revolutionary step forward.
This sample symbolises a transformative approach to construction, one of the largest contributors to global CO2 emissions. Through our pioneering process, we sequester CO2 into concrete - CO2 is locked away forever, making the cement in concrete stronger. This enables a reduction in the cement content in concrete by up to 15%, significantly lowering the carbon footprint of concrete.
This small piece of cement represents the dawn of a new era in sustainable construction.
As you hold this sample, imagine the vast potential it holds. It’s not just a piece of cement; it's a beacon of hope for a greener, more sustainable future. We are at the forefront of a revolution, transforming how the world thinks about building materials and their impact on our planet.
By harnessing CO2 and integrating it into concrete, we're turning a problem into a solution, paving the way for a concrete industry that supports our environment rather than depleting it.
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